3rd Conference and Transnational Meeting – Burgos (Spain) 11-05-17 & 12-05-17


BURGOS (Spain)

11th – 12th May 2017




Wednesday, 10th  May
Arrival and accommodation of participants in Burgos
Thursday, 11th  May




CONFERENCE (multiplier event – E3)

VENUE: San Agustín Monastery. Madrid Street, 24


10:00 Greetings from local authorities

–          Mr. César Rico. Provincial Government of Burgos. President

–          Mr. José Antonio de los Mozos Balbás. Responsible for Agriculture, Livestock, Machinery, Forestry and Environment.

–          D. Ángel Guerra. President of Society for the Development of the Province of Burgos (SODEBUR)

10:30 GREEN LOGISTICS project presentation. Objectives and results

–          Mr. Ricardo Pizarro. Society for the Development of the Province of Burgos (SODEBUR). Director

10:40 The future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Castilla y León

–          Mr. Óscar García – Public Aids (CAP) Coordinator. Regional Government of Castilla y León

11:10 Practices of hygiene, registration and revision of equipment for the application of phytosanitary.

–            Mr. Manuel Calvo Alonso. Responsible for the Agronomy Unit and Director of ITEAF. ITAGRA


11:30 Coffee break


11:50 Genetic improvement in winter grains: objectives and trends

–          Mrs. Nieves Aparicio. Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITACyL)

12:10 Precision Agriculture 4.0; New technologies and precision seeding

–          Mr. Guillermo Arias. Project Manager. AGRONET Logistics Services

12:30 New agricultural opportunities in Burgos

–      Mr. Jose Ignacio Velasco. Manager. FANEGA Ingeniería

12:45 Forum. View of agricultural professional associations in Burgos (Representatives of 4 agricultural professional associations established in the province of Burgos)

Moderator: Mr. Juan José Busto. Head of the Territorial Service of Agriculture and Livestock of the Regional Government of Castilla y León in Burgos

Participants: Mr. Santiago Carretón. ASAJA Burgos – President

                     Mr. Carlos Javier Lucio. COAG Burgos – President

                    Mr. Gabriel Delgado. UPA Burgos – Provincial Secretary

                    Mr. Félix Arribas. UCCL Burgos – General President


13:50 Conclusions

14:00 End of dissemination event and lunch

15:00 Free time for participants
20:30 Partners official dinner

“Puerta Real” Restaurant. San Fernando Square


Friday, 12th  May
09:30 Arrival of participants.

VENUE: SODEBUR’s Headquarter – Paseo del Espolón, 14

10:00 1.Training Needs Survey (Prof. P. Trivellas)

            -Questionnaire Design


            -Field Research

            -Time scheduling

We will discuss the structured questionnaire, as well as issues about translation, sampling (e.g. e-mail lists) and data entry.

2.e-training material development



We will present examples of e-training modules, and how the e-training platform works, in order to prepare material translation.

3.Selection/training of Trainers (empowerment) (Prof. P. Trivellas)

(enrichment with case studies)

4.Dissemination/Public awareness for Trainees (Prof. P. Trivellas)

We will discuss ways to recruit trainees, who will turn to be trainers and “knowledge facilitators” at their region.


11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 5. e-platform & Project Administration (Prof. K. Marinagi)

6. Website/ e-platform/multi-language (Prof. K. Marinagi)

Project’s website/ uploaded material must be translated, and user friendly to supply chain stakeholders

7. Administration Issues (Prof. K. Marinagi)

Documents needed in order to be in alignment with the forthcoming audit by the National Agency.

8. Monitoring & Evaluation (Prof. P. Trivellas)

Examining metrics for the Intellectual outputs already delivered, in progress and the forthcoming.

Quality assurance committee report for the deliverables (IO1 & IO2).


13:30 Forthcoming events (conference, meetings, IOs).
14:00 Free Lunch
Departure of participants

JORNADA “La agricultura del futuro”

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Agenda (Spanish)

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