Cyprus Institute for Rural and Regional Development (IAPA) is a Non Governmental Organisation which aims at promoting research, information, dialogue and education on the field of rural and regional development. The Institution has developed serious expertise on those aspects through the implementation of research and vocational training programmes. Moreover, IAPA has developed editorial action by publishing every year the “Cyprus Yearbook of Rural Development”.
IAPA`s scientific personnel has significant experience in the field of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and especially on the new CAP Reform. Its officers have direct involvement in the EU level decision making procedure at the Council bodies (Working Party level, Council of Ministers) and the European Commission committees (“Commitology”) and expert groups. Especially during the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU (2nd semester 2012) keys members of the scientific personnel had the responsibility for chairing Council Working Parties dealing with the CAP Reform.
During the last three years our organisation has successfully concluded two research programmes funded under the Research Promotion Foundation. Moreover IAPA has successfully implemented and concluded two Lifelong Learning Programmes, a Leonardo da Vinci Project (Partnerships) and a Grundtvig Project (workshop on wine practices). Both projects were awarded by the National LLP Authorities as best practices and successful projects.
Our Institute is in close cooperation and constant communication with various actors responsible for the development of Cyprus rural areas (Ministries, Farmer’ s Unions, stakeholders, NGOs, academics, researches, local administration, local action groups, and individuals.